Detail of the Mason Statue on the North Plaza at the Fairfax Campus.
Detail of the Mason Statue on the North Plaza at the Fairfax Campus. Photo by Alexis Glenn/Creative Services/George Mason University

The Mason Publishing Group provides services to support the creation, curation, dissemination, and preservation of scholarly, creative, and educational works by and for the Mason community.

The Poisoning of the American Mind (book cover image) George Mason University Press

The George Mason University Press publishes peer-reviewed scholarly works on history, politics, law and culture, with a special focus on Northern Virginia.

Featured title: The Poisoning of the American Mind

Catalog | Submit

1 2 3 University: Reflections on the First Fifty Years - George Mason University (book cover image) 123 Press

123 Press supports the Mason community, publishing institutional histories, open access, open education resources, community and student work titles.

Featured title: Walking for Me


The Mason Publishing Group offers a range of services to support the creation, dissemination, and preservation of your scholarship. Contact us at to discuss how we can help support your upcoming scholarly and/or open-access projects.

Digital Publishing

Mason Publishing offers a range of services for supporting the online publication of scholarship including platforms for open-access journal publication and support for digital projects.

University Dissertation and Thesis Services

University Dissertation & Thesis Services offers assistance to Mason graduate students on the process of submitting a dissertation, thesis, or project for graduation.

Open Access Research Initiatives

Release your scholarship in Mason’s Institutional Repositories. We will help you publish open access versions of your data and scholarship, increasing the discoverability and influence of your work.

Workshops and Training

We offer a range of workshops for academic departments, courses, student organizations, and centers on issues of scholarly publishing, copyright, and digital scholarship.